Built by arbs09
PyGuard collects statistics about users' messaging behavior on the global network of Discord servers with PyGuard.
The bot has a per-server leveling system, so you get rewarded levels on your discord server. (the bot has to be on that server too)
For users, there is a global leveling feature, so you not only have a level per server, but also a level across all servers you (and the bot) are on.
PyGuard collects data about users' messaging behavior so you can verify if a user is trustworthy manually
Let the bot automatically check new users to see if they have a minimum global level/XP and verify them automatically. If they don't have the minimum or aren't recorded in the global database, make the check a checkbox to verify them.
If someone gets banned on a server in our network, a moderator can send a report about it. Other moderators on similar servers will then get a warning message.
Give new users on your Discord server a warm welcome with a personalized message for each of them.